
Monday, September 22, 2014

And the Winner is....

Do you remember my Creative Blog Hop Post? Did you read to the bottom? Well at least 6 of you did and left a comment and I had a little giveaway for them. I used to generate a number from 1-6 and the winner is....

Lovely projects, Cathy! It's so nice to get to know you a little more. Have fun on your mixed media journey!

Congrats Zsuzsa! PM me in the Kommunity with your address!



  1. No way! Twice in a row! I had literally never won anything in my life until I got involved with you guys! I guess Kraafters is still a relatively small Kommunity and chances of winning are quite high! Thank you so much Cathy! Again, I'm happy to pay for international postage. I'll send you my address in a private message. So excited!

  2. Cingrats Zsuzsa!!! Way to go!!!! hugs, patty
